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Brian (ELWM)

The Miracle of My Salvation: A Personal Testimony

Hello everyone, I am Brian yes just Brian, I’m not a preacher or pastor or a minister I’m just Brian an ordinary man, a plumber by trade, yet I have had a unique experience with God and finding salvation.

I have not been a Christian very long, this whole experience has been life changing for me, in 2020 I was at

a low point in my life, with covid and everything around it I had fallen into a state of depression that was going on for months and I could not see it but I felt it, at a low point well i was driving having a mental break down, sobbing I asked the lord just please take this pain from me and i will do whatever you ask of me.

That moment changed my life, instantaneously all the heaviness of the depression disappeared, it just vanished. I was at ease as if I knew that it was going to be ok. This is the first time I ever thought about it.

going to church, so that Sunday I attended, and regularly went because the lord took my pain the least.

I could do is give him my time and learn more about him and Jesus. it was about 3 months into going to church, repenting and giving myself to Jesus that I had my second encounter with God, He came to me in a dream as he did when I was in my early 20s the first time, he showed me how to repent! This time was much greater, I saw my whole life from conception to where I am now and into the future and it was scary yet all empowering, I woke up and had the urge to write, as I started writing the words flowed so fast on to the paper I had a hard time keeping up with everything that was being told to me and I still am in awe of the power of the words, I was writing about a prophesy for this day and it shook me to the point of me not knowing these things not knowing the bible and not being only 3 months into my spiritual journey with God that I could write such words, at this point i was like on a High for 3 days hardly no sleep but i was rested, my wife was wondering what was going on with me because I was different it was kind of scary so to speak yet I was not scared at all, after that point I Knew everything would be just fine because I saw it! I had to understand what this meant so I took it to the pastor at our church, not knowing how to even talk about it I read it to him. He said to keep it to myself and if its God talking, he will show it to be true, and he has shown it to be true time and time again! i was called to lead men, start a non-profit, and change the way the church is seen! I kind of laughed a bit at that thought as I don’t see how a sinful, adultery, liar, broken fake deceitful person could possibly even think he could lead men to the truth. oh, how I was stuck in my flesh mind and not in spirit, little did i know the power of the holy spirit, Jesus, and God was much greater than my ability to think it was not possible, things was happening at a supernatural pace.

As things began to progress and move forward and the lord was showing me more and more and I was writing more and being given scripture to back up everything I was being shown, things were looking great. My family was in shock as I no longer was or wanted to be the old me anymore and it frightened them in some way I guess because the old me was gone and the new me was becoming a new man of God.

This journey led me into men’s ministry and so with the help of many great men at the church we started our new adventure, as it was what I was called to do, I watched as our ministry grew from 8 men to close to 40 men in 3 months’ time, it was not traditional as some might thing as we was just men having fellowship and doing things that was fun like skeet shooting, meat on a stick cook out, trash can dinner, hatchet throwing, just guy things and bringing everyone together to help each other as this is what I was shown a true ministry was about

So far everything seems to be moving and good, right? Well it was until I allowed my self to fall into sexual sin via words and messages to a young girl, when this relationship was so Godly and helpful and loving, it just changed in the mater of 2 weeks because I allowed someone who was doing tarot card readings to flip a card and with in 2 weeks of that day, I lost everting that I loved so dearly, it sickened me to the point I did not want to live any more, I could not find myself I had betrayed every one including God! It was so bad I had a will made up and thought about taking my own life that I sickened my self just from my own words, But the lord had different plans for me, he showed me months earlier that this would happen and I did not understand the word I was given until after it all happened, the power of the evil spirits and that of the devil is super strong and will do anything to stop the path your on especially when that path is prophetic!

 Let me tell you this is the time in my life when I met Jesus personally and my daughter witnessed it in person. As we was just talking one day in my office, in my head the thoughts about ending my life was yelling at me, and in a matter of moments I was pushed to the ground sobbing uncontrollably, The feeling was that of not being worthy such sorrow flowed threw my body the weeping was near historical, when I felt the presence of Jesus standing over me I was not even able to look at him I could only see his sandals and the brightest glow ever which made me sob even harder all I could say is I’m not worthy, just imagine how my daughter felt seeing this happen! As I was there on my knees weeping, Jesus reached down and put his hands on my shoulders and said everything will be ok, be strong and stay on the path I have shown you, at that point if felt like fire flowed threw my body so unbelievably strong that it literally felt like I was on fire!! And as he left I was relieved of all the pain and sorrow, it took me a good 5 minutes to re gain myself, and after that moment my life once again had a drastic change, needless to say the lord since then has done tremendous things as my family has now been saved and every one I love dearly is coming closer to God and Jesus, Ever Living Water Ministry was formed a 501C3 Nonprofit and so much good is happening as peoples lives are being changed, and more of everything the lord has shown me has come true, there is so much more to come and I will post about everything that is happening with in the ministry and how the spirit is working and more on the prophecy that was given and how we as a group will change the Church,

this is just a small piece of my story and there will be so much more please feel free to comment and I will answer as many questions as I can, I love all of you and may you have a blessed day!

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